Heart of the Swarm will launch, and can be accessed from the Starcraft II launcher going forward. Select “Heart of the Swarm” from the Starcraft II launcher after activating the game. The website will guide you through using the game key to activate Heart of the Swarm. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate Heart of the Swarm. Lab Rat (10 points) - Complete the “Lab Rat” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign. Complete the “Lab Rat” mission in … Heart Of The Swarm Secret Mission. Heart of the Swarm is the second StarCraft II expansion, but it's easily the size of a full game, with a 20-mission singleplayer campaign and a multiplayer revamp. Heart of the Swarm focuses mainly on the zerg, of course, but there are forces at play throughout the missions too. Before you start the mission, you should pick the abilities for Kerrigan. Kerrigan's interaction with Stukov toward the end of the Skygeirr missions.

In this video you will see all the easter eggs from the campaign of StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. The Raptor can leap to its targets, giving it a lot more uptime on. Having completed the campaign and gone through the achievements I will say there is no secret mission in Heart of the Swarm campaign. )Will all three races stand united against the Fallen? You can't skip any planets or missions before doing korhal. Obviously a human can't(read: shouldn't) be the one controlling the zerg. Heart of the Swarm features a more linear progression than Wings of Liberty. There is a "corrupted Secret Worlder" Filth mob you fight at the end of "Life Imitating Art," this might be what you're thinking of. The numbers in the brackets specify Kerrigan's level that you will be awarded upon the completion of the main mission and of the side missions- there is 70 in total (1 introductory and 69 missions). Endangered Species: Kill 500 enemy units with Kerrigan in the "Supreme" mission. After both of them team up to defeat Narud, Stukov expects Kerrigan to eliminate him, and honestly doesn't mind, since being now half-zerg half-human, he has nowhere to go anyway.Not only does Kerrigan spare him, but, feeling Not So Different with him, she offers him a place in the Swarm. The expansion includes additional units and multiplayer changes from Wings of Liberty, as well as a … The game consists of 20 missions where some of them have an optional order and 7 simple evolution missions that each let you choose 2 directions to evolve a unit. This, the primal Zerg will try and prevent. On the planet Korhal ruled by Terran Dominion, three vikings launch an uncertain attack on the gigant Unless Blizzard does some dumb thing where they have to show "flashbacks" of Kerrigan becoming a zerg again, I've been forced to conclude that there's going to be a new character in Heart of the Swarm, much like how in Brood War you were a new cerebrate.